Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Applying Scientific Method

Due February 22, 2017

Go on Edmodo and sign in, then complete the asignment. If you still don't have your account, don't procrastrinate, do it today and catch up.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Scientific Method

Due February 17

This homework has two parts too:

Part A:

If you have not created your account on Edmodo, start on yesterday's homework. If you already have your account go on Edmodo, sign in using your username and password and follow the instructions:

1. Go on the assignment section
2. Answer the questions by clicking on "Turn in"

Part B: 

Download the app Edmodo from Appstore or Play Store. install it in your cellphone and sign in with your username and password. Then find the code on the left side and give it to your parents for them to create an account on Edmodo too.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Science and Technology

Due February 16

This homework has two parts:
Part 1: 
Go to www.edmodo.com and create an account. As username you will use the following format: firstnamelastname123 (the last three digits of your ID student number)
As a password you will type 1stperiod if you science class at first period, 2ndperiod if your class is at second period and so on. For instance my name is Juan Correa and my id number is 121283; my Username would be juancorrea283.
Once you create your account join to the class group using one of these this codes:
First Period 59uxb6

Third Period tqwfrf
Fourth Period 2xq26t
Part 2
Answer the following questions in your copybook

Explain how technology depends on science

Research any invention by Leonardo Da Vinci. Write a short report explaining how science and technology were important for this invention.

Monday, February 13, 2017

What is Science

Physical Science Homework Due February 14, 2017

For this homework you need the following supplies:
1. Scissors
2. Glue
3. Yarn
4. color pencils