Thursday, December 8, 2016

Naming Binary Compounds

Binary Ionic Compounds (Type I)

  1. The cation (positively charged ion; Na+, Al3+) is always named first and the anion (negatively charged ion; Cl-, O2-) second.
  2. A monatomic (meaning one-atom) cation takes its name from the name of the element.  For example, Na+ is called sodium in the names of compounds containing this ion.
  3. A monatomic anion is named by taking the root of the element name and adding -ide.  Thus, the Cl- ion is called chloride, the S2- ion is called sulfide, and the O2- ion is called oxide.
Some common monatomic cations and anions are shown below

Give correct names for these Type I binary compounds
Give correct formulas for these Type I binary compounds
calcium iodidemagnesium phosphide
calcium hydridesodium chloride
magnesium fluoridebarium oxide
cadmium bromidealuminum arsenide
sodium nitridecalcium sulfide
rubidium oxidepotassium selenide
barium nitridesodium iodide
lithium chloridelithium sulfide
silver sulfidecalcium carbide
aluminum nitridesodium hydride
cesium fluoridemagnesium nitride

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Ionic Bonding

Physical Science - December 7th, 2016 Homework

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Physical Science Homework 11/16/16

The periodic  table

10.                     What is the d block element with the smallest atomic number?
11. __________ What is the metalloid with 7 valence electrons?
12. __________ What is the alkaline earth element with the smallest atomic weight?
13. __________ What is the actinide with the smallest atomic number?
14. __________ What is the synthetic actinide with the smallest atomic weight?
15. __________ What is the noble gas with two valence electrons?
16. __________ What is the halogen with the smallest atomic weight?
17. __________ What is the chalcogen metalloid?
18. __________ What is the transition element with the smallest atomic weight?
19. __________ What is the third period element with 4 valence electrons?
20. __________ What is the fourth period element with 5 valence electrons?
21. __________ What is the second period element with 8 valence electrons?

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Atomic theories

Physical Science Homework

Monday, October 3, 2016

Physical Properties

Physical Science Homework, Tuesday 4 Due
Read the following explanation and fill in the chart.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Density Experiment

Just as a reminder: 

These are the materials for Monday's experiment:

10 Ounces of:
  • Light corn syrup
  • Water
  • Vegetable oil
  • Dish soap (blue)
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Lamp oil (select a cool color like red, available at a department store)
  • Honey
  • Popcorn kernell
  • bolt
  • ping pong ball
  • dye
  • Beads
  • Cherry Tomato
  • Soda cap

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

Physical Science Homework Friday 30 Due
Fill in the following activities. If you need help read the presentation and do the work.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Temperature Scale

Temperature Scale: Wednesday 28 Due

Question 1
Aluminum metal melts at 660.37 °C. What is the temperature in Kelvin?
 Question 2
Gallium is a metal that can melt in your hand at 302.93 K. What is the temperature in °C?
Question 3
Body temperature is 98.6 °F. What is the temperature in °C?
Question 4
The title of the book "Fahrenheit 451" refers to the temperature book paper burns, or 451 °F. What is the temperature in °C?
Question 5
Room temperature is often used in calculations as 300 K. What is the temperature in Fahrenheit?
 Question 6
The average surface temperature on Mars is -63 °C. What is the temperature in °F?
Question 7
Oxygen has a boiling point of 90.19 K. What is the temperature in °F?
Question 8
Pure iron melts at 1535 °C. What is the temperature in °F?
Question 9
Which temperature is hotter: 17 °C or 58 °F?
Question 10
A general rule of thumb used by pilots is for every 1000 feet of altitude, the temperature falls 3.5 °F. If the temperature at sea level is 78°F, what would you expect the temperature to be at 10,000 feet in °C?

Monday, September 26, 2016

Significant Figures

Physical Science - Tuesday 27 Due